Geranium robertianum – Herb robert
This is an annual or sometimes biennial semi – rosette plant in Geraniaceae family, with red, pink or white flowers. This is a very common species found in a great variety of habitats. The floral formula is: 5S; 5P; 5+5 St (C5) for 5 sepals, 5 petals, 10 stamens in two whorls and 5 fused carpels.

Floral buds are collected and immediately fixed in FAA and prepared for paraffin embedding. Successive cross sections 8 μm thick are made to describe the organization of the
floral parts at 8 different levels of the bud. Sections stained with safranin – alcian blue have been photographed with Color Digital Camera Leica DC 300F mounted on a microscope Leica DMI RE2. Below microphotographs of a few of the sections for which description is given.